Helvetica Neue is a completely free font that you can use in your graphic designs.
You can also use it in pairing with brush fonts to make your designs more elegant. Now, this may be a bit over the top and not to your taste, but the point we are trying to make here is that tables don't have to be boring and academic.Due to its clean and clean texture, you may easily use this outstanding font for the ambitious heading, ebook covers, brand designs, cloth printing, official cards, precise emblems, and so on. This color explosion results in the following look:
Lastly, we've given the entire table a solid background color so that browsers that don't support the :nth-child selector still have a background for their body rows.
png with a bit of visual distortion on it) to provide some texture.
We've also added a repeating background tile to all the body rows, which is just a bit of noise (a semi-transparent. In this case we are giving the odd and even rows different (lurid) colors. The formula 2n-1 would select all the odd numbered children (1, 3, 5, etc.) and the formula 2n would select all the even numbered children (2, 4, 6, etc.) We've used the odd and even keywords in our code, which do exactly the same things as the aforementioned formulae. It can also be given a formula as a parameter, so it will select a sequence of elements. Earlier on you saw the :nth-child selector being used to select specific child elements. With only the default browser styling it looks cramped, hard to read, and boring. Unfortunately, it doesn't look good when rendered on the screen (see it live at punk-bands-unstyled.html): The table is nicely marked up, easily stylable, and accessible, thanks to features such as scope,, ,, etc. The Stranglers 1974 17 No More Heroes Total albums 77 of Albums Most famous song Buzzcocks 1976 9 Ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't've) The Clash 1976 6 London Calling A summary of the UK's most famous punk bands Band Year formed No.